1,079 research outputs found

    State of the art 2015: a literature review of social media intelligence capabilities for counter-terrorism

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    Overview This paper is a review of how information and insight can be drawn from open social media sources. It focuses on the specific research techniques that have emerged, the capabilities they provide, the possible insights they offer, and the ethical and legal questions they raise. These techniques are considered relevant and valuable in so far as they can help to maintain public safety by preventing terrorism, preparing for it, protecting the public from it and pursuing its perpetrators. The report also considers how far this can be achieved against the backdrop of radically changing technology and public attitudes towards surveillance. This is an updated version of a 2013 report paper on the same subject, State of the Art. Since 2013, there have been significant changes in social media, how it is used by terrorist groups, and the methods being developed to make sense of it.  The paper is structured as follows: Part 1 is an overview of social media use, focused on how it is used by groups of interest to those involved in counter-terrorism. This includes new sections on trends of social media platforms; and a new section on Islamic State (IS). Part 2 provides an introduction to the key approaches of social media intelligence (henceforth ‘SOCMINT’) for counter-terrorism. Part 3 sets out a series of SOCMINT techniques. For each technique a series of capabilities and insights are considered, the validity and reliability of the method is considered, and how they might be applied to counter-terrorism work explored. Part 4 outlines a number of important legal, ethical and practical considerations when undertaking SOCMINT work

    Like, share, vote

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    This report explores the potential for social media to support efforts to get out the vote. Overview Across Europe, low voter turnout in European and national elections is a growing concern. Many citizens are disengaged from the political process, threatening the health of our democracies. At the same time, the increasingly prominent role that social media plays in our lives and its function as a new digital public space offers new opportunities to reengage non-voters. This report explores the potential for social media to support efforts to get out the vote. It lays out which groups need to be the focus of voter mobilisation efforts, and makes the case for using social media campaigning as a core part of our voter mobilisation efforts. The research draws on a series of social media voter mobilisation workshops run by Demos with small third sector organisations in six target countries across Europe, as well as expert interviews, literature review and social media analysis. Having affirmed the need for and utility of social media voter turnout efforts, Like, Share, Vote establishes key principles and techniques for a successful social media campaign: how to listen to the digital discourse of your audience, how to use quizzes and interactive approaches, how to micro-target specific groups and how to coordinate offline events with online campaigns. This report concludes that, with more of our social and political lives taking place online than ever before, failing to use social media to reinvigorate our democracy would be a real missed opportunity

    Digital Citizens: Countering Extremism Online

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    Connecting knowledge to power: the future of digital democracy in the UK

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    Since its invention, the internet has been considered a ‘game-changer’ when it comes to democracy, with a worldwide network providing the potential to create a truly participatory democracy. This has yet to happen, but numerous individuals and groups are beginning to ask what can be done to marry the internet with representative democracy, including the Speaker of the House of Commons. Here, Chris Waller and Louis Reynolds discuss an exciting new project which seeks to use a wiki approach to crowdsource a submission to the Speaker’s Commission on Digital Democracy

    Service nation 2020

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    The draft charter of the private and public health sectors of the Republic of South Africa: Health for all, or profits for few?

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    The central aim of the Department of Health’s recently released Draft Charter of the Public and Private Health Sectors (CPPHS) is to address the legacy of apartheid regarding access to health care for all South Africans. It commits the public and private sectors to create ‘a health care system that is coherent, cost effective and quality driven 
 for the benefit of the entire population’ and to work together ‘to improve the scope, accessibility and quality of care at all levels’. These are laudable goals and we express our wholehearted support for them. The CPPHS specifies four ‘key areas’ of transformation: access to health services, equity in health services, quality of health services, and black economic empowerment (BEE). Among these the first three – access to, equity in, and quality of health care services - are essential (though not sufficient) to meeting the goal of health for all in South Africa. The fourth, however, is problematic

    The Draft Charter of the Private and Public Health Sectors of the Republic of South Africa : health for all, or profits for few?

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    No Abstract. South African Medical Journal Vol. 95(10) 2005: 742-74

    Reproductive bud development in pears

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    Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reproductive bud development is the first step of sexual reproduction of plants and is a major factor determining yield. For consistent yields in pears, knowledge of the development of the reproductive bud is required. The development of the reproductive bud with emphasis on the primordial bourse shoot was studied. The bourse shoot is important because of the ability of a bourse shoot to become reproductive, which can lead to bourse-overbourse bearing. The progression of reproductive bud development in 'Forelle' and 'Rosemarie' was studied from primordial bourse shoot initiation until dormancy the following season. The primordial bourse shoot was initiated in January 2003. The primordial bourse shoot progressed during dormancy with a plastochron length of 60 days in June. The rate of preformed leaf formation increased rapidly until August when the plastochron was 5 days. 'Rosemarie's' primordial bourse shoot development was more advanced at full bloom, which is a possible reason for the higher bourse-aver-bourse bearing habit of the cultivar. The number of leaves of the bourse shoot was more than with the 'Forelle', which has a low tendency for bourseover- bourse bearing. Flower initiation of the terminal bourse shoot bud was 56 and 77 d.a.f.b. for the 'Forelle' and 'Rosemarie', respectively. Initiation was well correlated with bourse shoot growth cessation. An increase in mitotic activity occurred during flower differentiation of the terminal bourse bud with a peak of floral appendage formation during December and January. From February until dormancy enlargement of the floral parts took place. The influence of severe dormant pruning and the quality of 2- year-old wood, on reproductive bud sink strength of 'Packham's Triumph' trees were investigated. The sink strength of primary growth increased by 40 % for short bearing units (SBU's) and 140 % for thick bearing units (BU's) as compared to long bearing units (LBU's) and thin BU's respectively. The increase in primary growth was due to better fruit set and larger fruit in the SBU's and the thick BU's. Since the increase in primary growth is less for SBU's compared to thick BU's the conclusion, which can be made, is that branch diameter influenced sink strength more than branch length. With increase in branch diameter the size of the xylem transport system increases more than that of the phloem. The increase in xylem transported metabolites, in particular root derived cytokinin seems to predominantly influence the magnitude of the sink strength. The influence of scoring and 6-benzyladenine (BA) application, during the flower induction phase on 'Doyenne du Cornice' and 'Rosemarie', were studied. Scoring caused a 50 % increase in fruit number of 'Doyenne du Cornice', which resulted in a 38 % increase in yield compared to the control. The increase in fruit number was due to higher percentage reproductive buds and improved bud quality. For the 'Rosemarie' scoring at the correct time resulted in a 40 % increase in reproductive buds. Scoring disrupts basipetal transport in the phloem, which results in the removal of apical dominance and an increase in root derived cytokinin's. More meristems can respond to inductive conditions and high quality reproductive buds develop. The combination of BA and scoring, lead to more flowers per inflorescence in 'Doyenne du Cornice'.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reproduktiewe knopontwikkeling by die peer Reproduktiewe knopontwikkeling is die eerste fase van reproduktiewe voortplanting in plante en is belangrik, want dit bepaal die oesgrootte. Vir konstante oeste in peerproduksie moet reproduktiewe knopontwikkeling verstaan word. Die ontwikkeling van die reproduktiewe knop, meer spesifiek die primordiale beursloot is bestudeer. Die beursloot is belangrik a.g.v. die beurs-oorbeurs drawyse. Die ontwikkeling van die reproduktiewe knop van 'Forelle' en 'Rosemarie' is gevolg. Die primordiale beursloot is Januarie 2003 geinisieĂ«r en ontwikkel tydens die boom se dormante fase met 'n plastochron van 60 dae gedurende Junie. Preformeerde blaarvormingstempo neem toe tot Augustus waar die plastochron 5 dae is. 'Rosemarie' se primordiale beursloot ontwikkeling was meer gevorderd teen volblom, met meer beurslootblare reeds teenwoordig. Dit is dalk die rede vir die hoĂ«r tendens van beurs-oor-beurs drag van die kultivar in vergelyking met 'Forelle'. Die terminale beurslootknop is 56 en 77 dae na volblom geĂŻniseer vir 'Forelle' en 'Rosemarie' respektiewelik. Inisiasie was goed gekorreleerd met beeĂŻndiging van beurslootgroei. Blomdifferensiasie het inisiasie gevolg met 'n toename in mitotiese aktiwiteit, blomaanhangsel vorming het 'n piek bereik III Desember en Januarie. Vanaf Februarie tot dormansie het ontwikkeling hoofsaaklik in vergroting van blomorgane plaasgevind. Die invloed van strawwe dormante snoei en die kwaliteit van 2-jaar-oue dra-eenhede op sinksterkte van reproduktiewe knoppe van 'Packham's Triumph' pere is ondersoek tydens die 2002/03 seisoen. Die sinksterkte van primĂȘre groei het 40 % toegeneem vir kort dra-eenhede en 140 % vir dik dra-eenhede in vergelyking met lang dra-eenhede en dun dra-eenhede respektiewelik. Die toename in primĂȘre groei vir kort en dik dra-eenhede kon toegeskryf word aan beter vrugset en groter vrugte. Omdat die toename in sinksterkte minder is vir kort dra-eenhede in vergelyking met dik dra-eenhede kan die afleiding gemaak word dat dra-eenheiddikte sinksterkte meer beĂŻnvloed as dra-eenheidlengte. Met 'n toename in dra-eenheiddikte, neem xileemvaatweefsel meer toe as floeĂ«mvaatweefsel. 'n Toename in xileem getranslokeerde metaboliete, meer spesifiek wortel vervaardigde sitokiniene beĂŻnvloed die sinksterkte van die reproduktiewe knoppe. Die invloed van ringelering (ringsnit deur floeĂ«m sonder bas verwydering) en 6-bensielaldenien (BA) toediening tydens reproduktiewe knopinduksie van 'Doyenne du Cornice' en 'Rosemarie' is ondersoek. Ringelering het 'n 50 % toename in vrugaantal veroorsaak wat die oes met 38 % laat toeneem het in vergelyking met die kontrole, vir 'Doyenne du Cornice'. Die toename in vrugte was a.g.v. 'n hoĂ«r persentasie reproduktiewe knoppe en toename in blomkwaliteit. By 'Rosemarie' het ringelering 'n 40 % toename in reproduktiewe knoppe bewerkstellig. Ringelering onderbreek die basipetale vervoer in die floeĂ«m, verwyder dus apikale dominansie, met die gevolg dat daar 'n toename in wortel geproduseerde sitokiniene is. Meer meristeme reageer op induktiewe toestande en reproduktiewe knoppe van hoĂ« kwaliteit vorm. Die kombinasie van ringelering en BA -toediening het meer blomme per reproduktiewe knop veroorsaak
